I just released an
Actionscript 3 Obfuscator named irrFuscator. It's free and can be downloaded from
Background story:
The problem with high level languages like C#, Java and ActionScript is that the binaries of the compiled programs are very easy the reverse engineer and to steal or to modify them. This problem is pretty huge especially with SWF files: It's pretty common in the flash developer community to steal the code or even whole games of other developers in this way. Latest example:
The official web site of the Beijing O'ymp'cs featured a copy of the game Snow Day.
So to circumvent this problem, you usually use code obfuscators to make it harder for people to steal your code. And when I started developing the game
Darkness Springs, I didn't find a good code obfuscator for Actionscript 3 which fitted my needs, so I simply wrote my own one. And I am providing it now for all other people with the same problem, for free.
And the name 'irrFuscator': Yes, it's ugly, but I really was to tired to invent a better new name :)
website of irrFuscator).