DSDefense 2 released

Posted on:November 14 2009

Because so many people sent me feedback about the defense game I published on this blog (updated game already on that page), I now created a second version of that game.
You can play it for example on Kongregate.
The most important, now implemented new features people wished were:
  • Adjusted game play values (higher monster levels, a bit cheaper buildings)
  • Different Bosses
  • 'Send in next wave' button
  • Save game reset button
  • More detailed building description texts
  • Scrolling via cursor keys or WASD
Also, there is now a more colorful but ugly main menu which I created using Paint.Net in a sharp attack of I-think-I-am-a-good-Artist. :)
Of course, also playable on the Darkness Springs website.


I think I found a bug, however: http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/829/dsdbug.png :)
2009-11-14 12:44:00

Very nice work niko.. i found a critical bug.. i had a dwelling, a cannon forge, and a fire forge sorrounding my main building.. and the creeps would get stuck between the fire and cannon forge.. they would just stay there not moving or anything like stuck..
2009-11-14 18:13:00

ah yes, slight z order error, hm :)
@rapchik: interesting. thought I had solved out all cases like this :)
2009-11-15 19:00:00

nice game. i enjoy playing it. but i couldn't finish the last level. XD
2009-11-16 15:35:00

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