CopperCube crack and keygen - download here!

Posted on:May 05 2009

You can download the CopperCube crack and keygen directly here.
Follow these simple steps to immediately use the FULL version of CopperCube:
  • Click this link.
  • Click the 'buy' button.
  • Enter your paypal, credit card or whatever payment method and click 'purchase'.
That's it, and you will be able to use the full version Coppercube Engine instantly.

I'm sorry, but a lot of people are obviously currently searching for a CopperCube crack which makes me a bit angry. If you need that software, simply buy it. It's cheap. It was hard work to create this thing.


Don't feel bad. Its just the way things are and how everyone is used to.

Think of it this way: If anyone really makes money from it, he will have an exposed website with lots of visitors where a coppercube application is running. There will be the swf file with coppercube running inside it. And it will be easy to find out that he IS using coppercube. And then you go to your lawyer and sue the shit out of him. It works for the music industry.

And if he doesn't try to make money out of it, he is probably just testing it out anyway. 30 days is fine and all, but I for myself would NOT be able to tell after 30 days if everything is the way I want it to be. Not even after 90 days. So if I want to just take a look around in it, probably develop a prototype or something, I would probably go look for crack/keygen by reflex, too. And the minute it turns out that coppercube is the right thing for my project, I would buy it.
2009-05-05 17:16:00

I know about some guys searching for crack, but not for Coppercube :)
2009-05-05 17:28:00

How dare you, charging money for a product YOU developed!

Sarcasm aside: The fact, that people are searching for Keygens and Cracks for Coppercube shows, that - although still beta - your product enjoys a certain popularity. Unfortunately it shows on the other side, however, that people always want the best, but do not want to pay for it.
2009-05-05 17:55:00

Sorry niko, you got a BIG rival on "coopercube" journey: (the google O3D)
2009-05-05 21:55:00

it will take years until O3D (or the standard that will emerge from it) will be as ubiquitous as flash. still some time for niko to make some money. :)
2009-05-05 22:07:00

// Fly the camera around the city.
var eye = [ Math.sin(g_clock * g_cameraSpeed) * g_cameraRadius, 10,
Math.cos(g_clock * g_cameraSpeed) * g_cameraRadius];
g_viewInfo.drawContext.view = g_math.matrix4.lookAt(
[0, 0, 0], // target
[0, 1, 0]); // up

Thats a o3d camera ? lol nobody going to use that, dont worry niko
2009-05-05 22:43:00

@Daniel: That's not really different compared to DirectX nor OpenGL and lots of people use it including niko. ;)
2009-05-06 01:24:00

Wow, how depressing. At least you know people like it... :S
2009-05-06 16:13:00

Congratulations Niko, you're the first hit for "coppercube crack" and keygen ;)
2009-05-06 21:49:00

It is really sad to know that some people just don't feel any remorse about pirating software, movies or music.

Hey Niko, just one tip of advice to entice people into getting coppercube: have a video tutorial showing from beginning to end how to create a 3d game with coppercube. Once they see how easy it is, they will probably buy it. I have bought software before just because a nice video tutorial showed me how to use it.
2009-05-07 04:07:00

hehe :)
@juantar: good idea, maybe I'm going to do something like this when it is out of beta.
2009-05-07 16:55:00

Ico - You rite! Who make engines use that. But if u need a engine you dont wanna write codes like that , you just wanna a class called CCamera huh ? CYA!
2009-05-09 16:55:00

juantar's idea is actually pretty good. If people can get easy learning only after buying the software it is a big incentive not to pirate.
2009-05-09 17:51:00

Hi Niko,
By my opinion you should provide only demo version for downloading. Full version - only after payment.
Also support and minor updates should be for only people that purchased the full version.
Seems very restricted, but in other case pirate downloading will stop product development at the end. It's sad.
2009-05-11 15:27:00

would be an idea.
2009-05-11 16:49:00

i think the developer has right to charge for their hard work..we'are programmer too (i think most people who put their comment here) think if we know our hard work just been stole by just a freak with spare time create a keygen.plz have some respect guys!!.
keep the good work niko
ps : sorry for my bad english
2009-05-11 19:31:00

I purchased it and like it thanks. I am looking forward to playing with it more. It is very reasonably priced. -Thanks for your hard work!
Brendon Smith
2009-05-21 22:08:00

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