One of the downsides of living in a country where people don't use english as native language is that you usually have to wait for about half a year until you are able to watch all the cool new series too. The other one is that you have to watch a translated and dubbed version then. In most cases, the german shows are nice, in some few they are excellent: Adding some jokes and pun at the right places for example, and you notice that some people really had fun doing their translation job. But of course, there are always numerous situations where bad translation completely ruins a whole scene, like we are used to in 'The Simpsons'. I think the word they are nearly always translating wrongly is 'to swear', which they mistranslate to 'schwören' (=make an oath). ;)
In '
Heroes', which just has started some weeks ago on german television, they also made a big, wrong decision, IMO: Instead of talking Japanese with subtitles as in the original version, Hiro, the character who is able to 'bend space and time' and his friend are communicating in german too, like all people around them. In this way, the viewers have no clue that Hiro himself only speaks some very few words of english and needs his friend to help him understanding other people. And so, in some scenes, the german viewers don't even know that Hiro doesn't understand one single word, totally removing all the fun from some important scenes.
That really is a pity. But anyway, I'm still going to continue to watch it. :)
southpark, family guy, american dad, futurama, battlestar galactica, band of brothers, scrubs etc ...
because some years ago i noticed how poor some of my favorite tv-shows were translated ...
and most jokes especially those "made" with the characters voice and articulation are ruined when translated :(
and i can watch them only a few hours after release ;)
like southpark ^^ next episode is out in nearly 6 hours xD
another thing I noticed, that in englisch movies the people really speak foreign languages like japanese or german ...
in the german "translations" everybody talks german :(
would be cool if all the series were broadcasted in english in germany^^