If you know that guy on the picture to the right, you might be a little bit confused now. If you are not, then let me explain first why you should be confused: the guy on that picture, let's call him 'niko', is wearing a shirt with the Logo of
Blade3D printed on it. You also had the possibility to see him running around in Vienna with that shirt recently ;). Blade3D is a Game Engine and content development pipeline for
Microsoft® XNA, a game framework based on .NET, for PC and XBox 360. Now, niko is
one of the guys behind Irrlicht, an open source 3D engine. So, what happened? Isn't Blade3D competition to Irrlicht, and why is niko wearing that shirt?
Simple answer: First, Blade3D is somewhat different, it is a commercial all-in-one game development system for .NET while Irrlicht is a cross platform graphics engine for C++. Second: The T-Shirt looks cool, and I totally like it, and there is no deep statement behind me wearing it. I also would put on an Ogre Shirt it I had one ;) Third: Blade 3D is one of the first commercial products using
irrKlang, Ambiera's 3D audio library, and they liked it so much they sent me that shirt. Thank you!