I'm currently upgrading
irrEdit to irrlicht 1.3, and at the same time, refactoring the whole code, which is a lot of work. irrEdit was based on irrlicht 1.0 and parts of the newer Irrlicht version have been merged into it, while other parts have been extended. I'm now merging my improved parts back into Irrlicht and putting stuff which doesn't have to do anything with graphics into a separate library which I am planning to make available as well. If you are interested, it is looking like this currently:
#include "IIrrEditPlugin.h"
#include "IBody.h"
#include "IPhysicsSimulation.h"
#include "ISceneNodeAnimatorPhysicsBody.h"
#include "irrEditServices.h"
#include "IScriptEngine.h" |
Unfortunately, there is a lot of work to do until it is finished:
irrEdit - 166 error(s), 7 warning(s) |
And those are real, big errors, not the usual ones where someone has forgotten a semicolon or similar. But I'm working on it, and you'll get a nicer Irrlicht Engine, a more open and extensible irrEdit and a scripting and physics toolset out of it for free then.
"#include "IBody.h"
"#include "ISceneNodeAnimatorPhysicsBody.h"
I'm sure that this new library will be very great because I know you're writing it =)
It's nice to see that you are now going to write code for physics simulation.
I hope that all physics related things will also be available without using irredit.
a little offtopic question the "nicer Irrlicht Engine":
- are there any plans to integrate NVIDIA's Cg and CgFx into Irrlicht?
would you want to see NVIDIA's Cg or/and CgFx in Irrlicht?
Or don't you want it because you want to keep dependencies small?
In my opinion, it would be nice if Irrlicht would provide the feature to use _one_ shader language for both OpenGL and D3D. (-> NVIDIA's Cg)
And effect language like the directx fx-format or CgFx would also be nice.
In a few days, the NVIDIA Fx Compositor 2.0 Beta will be released, featuring Cg and CgFx - a perfect tool to edit shaders and effects.
I think that those 2 features are the most important ones irrlicht lags of, while OGRE has them.
I'm looking forward to every new source code line from you Nico ;)
Have an nice day.
greets, sanjin