Because the next irrKlang release is coming nearer, I wanted to clean up the website a bit, IMO it is totally ugly, because it was 100% made by myself. So I sat down and improved it several times. Between each improvement iteration I made a break of several hours to be able to examine my last change more objectively. After 4 or 5 iterations, I really liked the result. Then I compared it to the current website version:
OMG, I thought: They are still completely the same! The only real difference is that the new version (left side) has more space because I removed the google ads at the right border. Damn, and I wasted a lot of time with this. Next time I'll really ask somebody who knows something about website and logo design to do it for me. :)
In Firefox on my machine, the lines between the links on the left on actually go *through* the text... probably something to do with my larger-than-default font size. (
As long as it's usable, I'd say the site is good enough. It's better to focus on the important stuff, like the actual tools and libraries!