People are reporting the
download page of irrEdit and half of is blank/destroyed instead of showing its content properly in IE6. And I was wondering why the download stats are lower since the last website update :) (Thanks for reporting, btw!)
Unfortunately, Microsoft decided to remove IE6 when it forced people to update to IE7. None of the 4 PCs in my close vicinity still has IE6 installed. There are multiple ways to get a working IE6 again: The official, Microsoft way is to
install VirtualPC with a whole WinXP and IE6 on it. Which means downloading 20 MB for the program and an 495.8 MB image file just to work around a rendering bug of IE6. Another option is to install the
IE6 from evolt (a cool website btw, collecting ALL browsers which ever existed) or the similar solution from
tredosoft, which I will do, if I'll find some time.