Vienna preparing

Posted on:June 19 2006

Just took a walk through Vienna. Everywhere these notes where lying around:

But this house in front of a subway station was the highlight. :)

So I'm looking forward to wednesday, when this guy will come to visit us, and to see the demo.


Uhm, Bush is coming to Vienna? Seems like the Football Worldcup has brainwashed me a little ...
2006-06-20 00:59:00

bush again?! give me a break.....your girl is gorgeous, btw ;-)
2006-06-20 01:14:00

who is the hotty?
2006-06-20 07:23:00

the slip above - signed by "revolutionaere volksbefreiungfront" ...
it´s a communazist AND/OR an islamofascict group ... is it your posse?
thanks buddy, i can see never changing austria ...
and your europe? the continent horcas (holocaust+rape camps+appeasement+silence)
be well with your antisemites on wednesday
2006-06-20 08:08:00

jan, what's the name of the drug you've taken?
2006-06-20 08:32:00

you´ve made my day, anonymous omfg!

the drug is libertarianism -- but it´s a drug still unknown in parteibuch-linxrechts-austria
hehe - it´s not a drug at all, it´s not a political religion like communazism etc.
see e.g. or - hihihi - i found that:
2006-06-20 08:52:00

jan may have a point here. I translated the text to english; "revolutionary people release front", and then ran google on that, here is the most seemingly relevant thing I found:
They are a terrorist organization based primarily in turkey, but they operate throughout europe it says. I would be loathe to support anything they were involved in, if that is indeed them...
2006-06-20 16:48:00


the first sentence on wikipedia is:
"Libertarianism is a political philosophy[1] advocating that individuals should be free to do whatever they wish with their person or property, as long as they do not infringe on the same liberty of others."

how does that fit you saying "i can see never changing austria"? freedom to "do whatever" includes the opinion to hate someone or simply show that a person is unwanted. a _lot_ of people do not agree with the work of bush and his fellowship over the last years and if you cannot respect that _you_ are the communazislamofascict.

feel free not to join the demonstrations or start your own counter pro-bush movement.
2006-06-20 16:49:00

in fact, I'm pretty sure it's them, the letters (DHKC) on the leaflet are the same as in that description.
2006-06-20 16:50:00

Looking forward to the demo! See you tomorrow, w/ gas mask! ;-)
2006-06-20 16:54:00

jan's comment may have been crass, but he still has a damn good point. these DHKC people are a long-standing confirmed terrorist organization, and do not deserve support of real peace activists. if you support peace, really, you can't do it by associating with a terrorist organization. organize a different rally and don't include these terrorists.
2006-06-20 16:54:00

Cute girl dude!, niko not only you are a good programmer but you are the man! :)
You and your countrymen have all the right to protest. After all, you live in a free country. That freedom was bought by an Allied army that bombed German and other European cities killing hundreds of innocent french, dannish, german men, women and children. Not to mention attrocities and war crimes that the Allied Army committed, specially the soviets. Prisoners were shot, girls were raped and civilians killed by some Allied soldiers. That same Allied Army occupied the sovereign states of Germany and Austria after the war for several years. All of this had to happen to buy your freedom to protest. Have fun!
Right now I am watching hte World Cup, Germany vs Ecuador. Poor brothers from Ecuador are loosing 0-3. But just wait until our Brazilians cousins take revenge! :b

2006-06-20 17:47:00

i agree, totally. did not really care about the flyer on the picture and i guess niko just took it as an example of what is going on in the city. jan on the other hand was a little to agressive anti-austrian, pro-bush for my taste.
2006-06-20 17:50:00

Yeah, the "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of logic is faulty.

The libertarian line of thinking is not my one though. I do like liberty and do much like my freedom. But at the same time I don't believe I had the same freedom to do what I do now (studying CS) if I lived in a libertarian society. The less laws we have to regulate buisiness relations and contracts, the more the people in stronger positions can dictate conditions. And thus people in the weaker position have less options and thus less freedom. I brought this citation ago, but fits well here too: "This freedom is the freedom of a free fox in a free chicken house." Not what I want.
Baal Cadar
2006-06-20 19:49:00

that girl has her own blog, if you like to learn more about her.
2006-06-20 19:55:00

sure i do ;-)
2006-06-20 21:27:00

it is in german, shit ;(
2006-06-20 21:29:00

@niko @def
oitoitoi! sorry!
I´d never want to be an anti-austrian -- was born in a dictatorship and thanks austria I can live in freedom - and I love this country. but I was badly upset after seeing that slip on a page of a great programmer. as I had checked the board of before, I knew the participants like saddam-galloway etc. - and it´s definitely not about peace. what about darfur? maybe 200 000 killed there since 2003 without any reaction of peacniks with their demo-machines. who brought the sudanese to negotiations? the state department... it is going to be a great event today
2006-06-21 09:13:00

Isn't it ironic that they are protesting against the lawfully elected head of state of the United States, a nation thanks to whom we Europeans live in freedom today, and thanks to whom those folks have the possibility to go on the street and speak out their opinion? As for Iraq, the seeds of freedom could only be planted there because of recent US efforts, not because some peace-marchers went protesting.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." (Thomas Jefferson)
2006-06-21 11:28:00

In WWII, we fought against germany and killed thousands to protect freedom. Right. But in Irak we are doing this for oil. Yeeha.
2006-06-21 14:21:00

I think, jan isn't agressive and pro-bush, and "maybe" the flyer in niko's blog predicate a "bush-anti-welcome"?!!
I think niko doesn't make a promotion for the terrorist organisations; and it's very silly to compare the 2^nd^ world war with bush!!
2006-06-22 00:09:00

Dani, interestingly enough, chancellor Schuessel brought up the very same comparison in today's press conference. But then again, I guess you call that "silly" as well.

BTW, no one "compared WWII with Bush" (what's that supposed to mean?), but the removal of a tyrannic regime back then and today.
2006-06-22 00:40:00

I met an Iraqi friend last night and he was very angry about Europe - and "anti-war" movement. Thank America, he told, he can travel to Iraq and run his own business. He continued - your slanted MSM only report about bombings and killings but never mention thousands of new schools, new businesses, repairing of the electrical grid etc.
Folks, I´m telling you (I was born in Prague): if the US had bombed the commies out of the Czechoslovakia after the ´68 invasion, many of us would have accepted becoming a collateral damage. You can only appreciate freedom if it is absent.
2006-06-22 18:47:00

Jan, that's exactly my point. Freedom must be earned, and the process of earning it can be a bloody one at times. Yesterday's protesters did not earn their freedom, they inherited it, so how should they know better?

They have the liberty to march against what ever they want, some of them might even burn an american flag (just like the mob would do on the streets of Teheran). I did not enjoy those pictues, but I am glad we live in a country where there is freedom of speech.
2006-06-22 19:21:00

any info about the girl? fuck bush.
2006-06-23 17:23:00

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