This week I invested my time in one of my favorite tasks when creating GUI applications: Drawing icons. I absolutely suck as artist. So I sat down for several hours and drew about a dozen icons. I hope they are ok, but they could be improved for sure. They should represent some of the most important scene nodes of Irrlicht and appear in the toolbar, in the scene graph explorer, and I hope later in the menu as well:

Other tasks completed this week are the creation of a scene node factory mechanism inside Irrlicht, making it easily possible to create all those scene node types at runtime (useful for the toolbar or when loading irrlicht scenes from files) and extend Irrlicht with new ones. And I added allocators - a long user demanded feature for all irrlicht template containers (I think I'll blog shortly about this in the next few days).
And today I thought about adding some more file importers. I know, Irrlicht already is capable of importing 12 different 3D file formats, but some users already contributed some new useful ones, and I would like to add one or two other popular formats. Or maybe improve the COLLADA loader a bit. Lets see.
(h) and good work me, just waiting for your editor.