Rockstar Vienna is dead. A coworker told me this morning, but I couldn't believe it, until I read
Jurie's blog post this evening. It's a bit shocking, especially because I know several people working there, but the most shocking thing is how they did it. Looks like none of the employees knew this and they have been dismissed by security guards. Strange. Also, this will have great influence on the Vienna game development scene. I hope not only bad ones, but I fear.
Ahyes. What a *coincidence* that this happened coincidentely with the E3.
the thing that really pisses me off (apart from the fact that i had a job i reeeeaaaaally enjoyed) is that people who devote a major part of their lives to a company, get treated like waste once the company deems them unnecessary. nice, thank you. we got the point...
i'm actually not talking about vienna's management, who -judging from their faces - most probably had one of their worst days at work themselves, but about some pretentious NY-manager who just says "aw, screw 'em all, we can just impose our american mentality on them and lay 'em off in the worst way we can imagine! maybe send a few of our security guys over there and impose a bit of terror on everyone!" ... hey it worked for bush after all, they just adopted a common practice from the (not so) "land of the free".
Rockstar is NOT cool after all, the employees who worked for this hypocritical company WERE! good luck to all of us!!!