one wonders who comes up with these things. In keeping with traditional form, anything after the function declaration should directly relate to the function (const is admittedly the only example that springs to mind). Logically, something relating to the return value should be at the beginning of the declaration where the return value type and any qualifiers are specified
...just waiting for a c++ guru's comments that *REAL* (loool) men do not use managed c++ - of course, *REAL* men are using a stone axe or a thingie called 'vi' ;-) !
Well, I dunno about "real men", but men actually interested in speed are not using Managed C++. Platform wars are pointless (Windows has many benefits Linux does not & vice versa). But when you're talking byte-code compiled against machine-code compiled, speed is an issue.
And yes, I have code that proves that in processing requiring nested loops - machine-code compiled C++ is ~300% faster than .NET compiled code (exactly the same code too). Something to do with .NET being REALLY bad about stack management from what I can tell.