Happy New Year!

Posted on:January 01 2018

Another year has gone by and since a few hours, it's now 2018. As every new year, I'm offering most of my products with a big discount for a few days, like -75% off CopperCube and -50% off RocketCake. You can see the full list here.

Maybe there is something interesting for you as well.
I think 2017 was an interesting year, and I did a lot of new things, like for example releasing a political simulation game on steam, or implementing realtime shadows in my 3D game engine as free update. I learned a lot of things, and have plans for a lot more. I think 2018 will be exciting, especially for people using CopperCube, but let's see.

I wish you all a happy and successful new year!


Happy New Year, Niko!
Vitaliy (rolevix
2018-01-03 03:13:00

CopperCube is great. I just hope to see some more file formats for animated meshes. It is hard to find any prefabs in the (old?) .x or .b3d file formats, and Milkshape 3d, even though it is a nice tool for modelling/animating hasn't been updated for a long time.
2018-01-09 20:53:00

Yes, that's planned :)
2018-01-11 07:06:00

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