Do you know
SearchCode? It is a nice little search engine for source code. Since
Google CodeSearch has closed some time ago, I didn't use any code search engine anymore, because I didn't like the alternatives I tried. Their URL was to long or difficult to remember, and their UI was to complex. Today, I found
SearchCode, and I liked it very much. So much that I immediately bought an Ad on their pages in order to support their work.
I also posted a link to it on
/r/programming, as I sometimes do when I find or blog something which might be interesting for fellow programmers. Strangely, my post on reddit instantly disappeared. It's still linked in my user submission list, but doesn't appear on neither the 'new' or 'hot' lists of /r/programming. This already happened a few times before for me, always on /r/programming, not on other subreddits. Wondering if there is some harsh, strange censorship going on? Or is it just a bug?