A few months ago, I told everyone my opinion about the facebook share: I think it would be worthless in at least a few years. Reasons: All people in favor of buying Facebook shares anticipated a big growth. But where should that thing grow to? All people and their mum are already registered there. Also: remember MySpace? Orkut? StudiVZ? All social networks in the past died a quick death, and most people even don't remember those names!
The facebook chart currently looks like this:

Uh, what a surprise. :) It looks like it will go down even faster than I thought: Some companies claim
that 80% of the clicks on Facebook ads seem to be generated by bots. So this trend maybe even accelerates now. I advertise a bit on the internet, but never tried Facebook ads myself. Because people were rumoring that ads on there were totally ineffective. Looks like they were right. Maybe this was the reason for it?