Finally: My book available as eBook

Posted on:January 29 2012

It took a long time, and I even received a few emails asking for it. Some angry comments were even posted on this blog, complaining that there is no eBook version of my Book "Die Wiederentdeckung der Erde", although I'm a technical person and complaining about the old-tech publishers. :)
So it took now about two months, but finally, the eBook is ready:
  • The Kindle eBook on
  • A generic ePub version on
  • As ePub-file from
  • They told me it is also available in lots of other shops. I have yet to find out where exactly.
  • Apparently, it also is available in Apple's eBook store. I reject installing that bloatware named iTunes unfortunately, so I cannot find a link to it. :)

The book only costs 11 euro. Personally, I think this is still a bit much for a simple digital copy, but apparently, eBooks costs that much :/
What took so long is the self-publishing company - BooksOnDemand. In November, when my book was published as paper version, they said they would also create the eBook at the same time. Numerous support requests by me, telling them that the eBook wasn't there, have been ignored. My last support request finally, a few days ago, seemed to have been finally enough annoying: Just a day later, they didn't care to respond, but at least sent me an automatic mail that the eBook now is available everywhere. Not the best customer service, but at least it is out now. I think should I write a new book again, I'll probably try another company. But I'm happy that it's finished now, finally.
If you should get a copy of this eBook, please tell me if its quality is ok, and also any other form of feedback is welcome :)


Why didn't you try the Amazon self-publishing service?
2012-01-29 08:14:00

Hm, I think it didn't exist when I wrote my book. Also, isn't that for eBooks only? Mine is also printed.
2012-01-29 10:32:00

normaler weise kauf ich bücher > 10 eu nur wenn sie mehr als 500 seiten haben,
hab aber diesmal eine ausnahme gemacht und soeben die kindle version eingeklickt

für die zukunft wär das self-publishing service vielleicht wirklich eine alternative,
vorallem die selbstbestimmung des preises könnte wichtig sein,
persönlich kauf ich eher 2 x 5 euro ebooks als 1 zehn euro, insbesondere von autoren deren werke ich bis jetzt nicht kenn

und wenn man den kindle story (de) durchblättert, dann sieht man das günstige werke von deutschen autoren insbesondere im SF/Fantaasy bereicht zum günstigen preis mit freuden und gerne angenommen werden.

freu mich auf jeden fall schon aufs lesen
2012-01-29 11:53:00

Yes, Amazons self-publishing had just launched in the USA then, and was in planning for Europe. And it's called "Kindle Direct Publishing", so it's for ebook only. But there's many self-publishing services that do both. I had a look at which is quite simple, you provide the script, design a cover and they publish it, no editing at all. Might not be the best for eveyone, but as I said, quite simple.
2012-01-29 12:39:00

@a4z: Ja, blöd, es ging aber einfach nicht billiger. Hab' sogar meinen Anteil stark zurückgefahren damit's unter 15 euro bleibt. :(
Danke für's kaufen :)

@Telepath: Yes, also looked at epubli, but their prices were pretty much the same, I think.
2012-01-29 15:45:00

Now I finally got the ebook. I got it from BOL, and it took a whole DAY to deliver the ebook :( ! Also, the metadata is a little strange, the title is "Die Wiederentdeckung der Erde - Gebhardt, N: Wiederentdeckung der Erde". In Adobe Digital Editions it's a little hard to read, the lines are spaced a little close.
Can't say anything about the content yet :)
2012-01-30 12:23:00

Woha, strange. Hope you like the content a bit better :)
2012-01-30 19:31:00

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2012-03-27 20:38:00

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