A mail conversation I had last week about our german dating site,
Bienen und Blumen (roughly how I have this in memory, and translated from german):
User: Hello, I just received a mail from your dating site on facebook, but I deleted my account there! Stop this immediately! My mail adress is XXX@YYY. I reserve the right to take legal action if you don't comply within 24 hours.
Me: Hello there. There is no user with that mail adress on our site. Also, we don't send any spam mails out to our users. And we don't have anything to do with facebook. Can you forward me the mail you are talking about?
User: This is ridiculous!! I want you to delete all my data immediately! I don't remember my user name or my password, but my real name is XXX YYY. I tell you, I'm now going to talk to my lawyer!!
User (2 minutes later): Ok, I've now found my profile on your site (http://www.XXX). All my data is still there! Also my picture! I'm so going to sue you if you don't delete this!
Me: Hello again. If your picture and your data is still there, you simply haven't deleted it yet. Deleting your profile on bienenundblumen is only a matter of one click. As opposed to other sites where this sometimes isn't even possible at all. But I've now done this for you: Your account is gone now.
Threatening to sue me will not influence anything except me getting angry. This is coercion, and believe me, my lawyers are better and more expensive than yours. ;) But I hope you are happy now. And btw: Could you please forward me that mail you were talking about? I'm interested in what this was.
Of course, I've never heard anything again from this guy.
I still was a bit curious about what mail he could be talking about, so I googled for it, but found nothing. Except that this guy had blogs, a twitter and facebook account, an xing account and more and was calling himself a web 2.0 and computer interface expert.
Interesting for someone who is unable to click the 'delete profile' button on a dating site.